LOST CLASSMATES SEARCH: Here's how you can help!
Take a look at the list. Do you have any information at all about our lost classmates? For example:
Do you know what State the classmate might live in?
Do you know the married name for the ladies?
Is anyone on the list deceased? NOTE: It's our policy to confirm death reports from two different sources before we add anyone to our "gone, but not forgotten list".
Do you know any friends or relatives of a missing classmate? If so, give them a call and see if they have a recent address?
Any information, no matter how insignificant or small, just might be the "clue" we need to locate our friends. Why are we asking?
Hey, it's simple! Every former classmate is important to us. We want to give each of them an opportunity to reconnect and renew old friendships. Please use the "Stay in Touch" form to the left to share any information you may have. We'll do our best to locate them and "link-up".
Hope to see you next year!
Darrell Jordan