Class of '62 Scholarship Program...
A big "thank you" to all of you who have contributed!
In 2021, we raised sufficient funds to sustain the program for the next 10 years at $2,750 per year!
Our legacy to Bremen...
The point and purpose of this program is to, in a small but meaningful way, share our success with those at Bremen who have demonstrated superior academic and leadership achievement and have a financial need. Based on the positive feedback we have received from the recipients, and their parents, and the Bremen and District 228 Administration, we are convinced that this program is worthwhile continuing.
Let’s continue by answering some frequently asked questions:
How often are awards made? Awards are presented each year at the Bremen Senior Honors Night ceremony in May. The total annual award is $2,750 – one $1,000 award, one $750 award ,and two $500 awards.
Who selects the recipients? The recipients are selected by a Bremen scholarship committee made up of faculty and staff. The Class of ’62 Scholarship Committee has no input whatsoever into the selection. This assures that we are fully compliant with the tax deductibility provisions of IRS 170 (f) (8).
Are the gifts tax deductible? Mr. Tom O’Malley, District 228 Business Manager, notified Dr. Dave Kibelkis, Bremen’s Principal, that our gifts are tax deductible under the provisions of IRS 170 (f) (8).
Who do I contact if I have other questions? You can either use the “Stay in Touch” form (on the left menu) or contact one of the Scholarship Committee members directly via email.